Friday, May 4, 2012

Vacation of a Lifetime...Lake Naivasha Sopa Lodge

The drive to the Sopa Lodge at Lake Naivasha was long. Here are a few photos of the interior of our kickin' ride:

There's Curt

Irene falling asleep. 

She's out

Capturing the moment

My snoozing husband

We experienced true African driving which is complete and utter chaos. At times I just couldn't look because I thought we were going to die.  But we did see some great things such as a 'little' area called The Great Rift Valley.

Over those make shift railings is STRAIGHT DOWN to your death.

Not much of a shoulder

Simon told us the story behind this church, which of course, I can't remember.
But it is an Italian church.  Quite pretty.

The Sopa Lodge at Lake Naivasha was also located in the Great Rift Valley.

Our Greeter

The gorgeous grounds of the Sopa Lodge. Truly heaven on earth.

You can't tell now, but on the grounds are TONS of animals.
Water Bucks, Dic Dic, Giraffe, many, many species of bird and hippos. 

Inside the main building of the Lodge.

This is what our rooms were housed in. Four rooms to a 'pod'.  Two upstairs and two down.

Here's the crew again

Irene and Todd

Lisa and Curt

Tom and Sue

More of the Lodge interior

On the grounds of the Sopa Lodge

Our room was up the stairs and on the right.

Path leading from the rooms to the main Lodge

Very different trees and vegetation. So interesting and beautiful

My favorite, the Acacia tree.  They sprinkle the landscape everywhere.

Lovely pool area

We were running a bit late when we arrived at Sopa Lodge. We had a water safari on the schedule and we had to be finished before the sun goes down because that is the time of each the hippos make their journey from the lake onto land and roam the grounds free.  At anytime during the evening/night hours we needed to go outside from point A to point B, we had to call for a guide for safety purposes.

We were guided to the dock area of which we were departing for the water safari.

The dock area

One of our two boats

My safari man.  And that's Pascal behind him. Fantastic guide from Sopa.

Say cheese

Our water safari begins

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